Outdoor Advertising (OOH) Statistics For 2023

Categories: Trends
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Top Stats at A Glance of Outdoor Advertising, also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising.

• Steady Momentum: OOH advertising is poised for a solid 4.2% growth among all advertising mediums.
• Travelers’ Gaze: A significant 75% of travelers spotted billboards.
• Engagement Amplified: 55% of respondents were “highly engaged” with conveyed messages.
• Billboards vs other media: 71% of individuals expressed that billboards stand out effectively.

Outdoor Advertising or Out-of-home Media Advertising (OOH)

OOH emerges as a potent avenue, a proven and lucrative way to promote businesses. Supported by compelling statistics, it offers substantial benefits, reinforcing its effectiveness and value for brands.

Key Insights (Trends and Facts)

• 98% of people stumble upon OOH ads every week.
• 71% of consumers actively engage with and absorb the content displayed on roadside billboards.
• 68% of customers admit to frequently making purchasing decisions while they are in their cars.
• 38% uptick in brand interactions amplified. Effective OOH ads can fuel a remarkable.
• 17% of customers are more likely to engage with brands.
• 72% of outdoor ad viewers shop at route home from work.
• 32% directly visited retailers spotted on billboards the same week.
• 38% decide to halt at stores during their commutes.
• 50% of the respondents receive directional cues from billboards.
• 24%, revealed that they have promptly visited a business spurred by out-of-home advertising messages.

OOH advertising remains potent, with a 98% weekly reach, engaging audiences and driving consumer actions.

Source: https://marketsplash.com/outdoor-advertising-statistics/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20forecast%2C%20in,value%20of%20almost%20%2413.3%20billion.